This 14 day Off the Beaten Path tour takes you to some of the less traveled areas of Ecuador, where you will do unique activities. In Quito you will learn how to make traditional Ecuadorian dishes during a cooking class; in Otavalo you will participate in a Pachamanka; during your stay in Isinlivi you will go to the Malingua Pamba community and you will visit a cheese factory; Guamote is known for its colorful Thursday market, which is one of the biggest traditional markets in Ecuador; in Tena you will stay with a Quichua family and you will learn about their customs and traditions. During this tour you will visit the Andes and the upper Napo area in the Amazon rainforest.

This is a private tour and you can start this tour on every day of the year. You will travel together with an English speaking guide who will also be your driver. In case the group is for 4 or more persons you will have a guide and a driver. Since this tour is private the itinerary is flexible, so you can make any changes you prefer! Accommodation is at tourist class and tourist superior class hotels and haciendas and you will spend three nights at a basic lodge with a local family. At Enjoying Ecuador Travel we show you the hidden gems of Ecuador!


Day 1: Arrival to Quito

Welcome to Ecuador! Upon arrival to Quito we will pick you up from the airport and you will be transferred to your hotel, which is located in the new area of Quito. Overnight at Casa Aliso or similar.
Meals included: -

Day 2: Quito Culinary Experience Tour & Teleferico Cable Car

We drive to the local market where we will be able to see the huge diversity of tropical fruits, vegetables, grains, medicinal plants and local food stalls. At these food stalls you will get to see all kind of local dishes like “fritada” (fried pork) or the delicious juices made of blackberry, guanábana and tamarillo. If you want you can try the different tropical fruits and your guide will give you explanations about all these fruits and vegetables. After this interesting visit we are going to do a cooking class in a Spanish-style courtyard! The recipes you will prepare are traditional Ecuadorian dishes: Locro Quiteño (Andean potato soup), Encocado (fish in coconut sauce) and a dessert made with Ecuadorian chocolate and fruits. We chose for these three recipes because the ingredients can be found all over the world, so you will be able to prepare it back home. During the cooking class you will peel, cut and season. The chef will be there guiding you, and he will give explanations about the history of each dish and its origin; your guide will be there to translate everything. After the cooking class you will be able to taste the delicious results! Than we continue to the Teleferico cable car. The cable car will take you up Pichincha (4100 m.), one of the many volcanoes this country has and located just on the west side of Quito. Once there, you will realize that Quito is surrounded by volcanoes. Overnight at Casa Aliso or similar.
Meals included: Breakfast/Lunch

Day 3: Quito - Otavalo

Your guide will pick you up from your hotel. Our first stop is at Guayllabamba village where we will try the “chirimoya”, which is a local fruit. Next we stop at Quitsato which is a sundial located on the equator and here they explain interesting facts about astrology. Than we will visit a rose farm, where we will visit the green houses, the post-harvest room and you will get an explanation of the growing process. Roses are an important export product and Ecuadorian roses are highly appreciated around the world due to its variety and quality. During this tour you will also be able to visit the hacienda (built in 1919) and you will enjoy the traditional bizcochos and local cheese from Cayambe. Once we reach Imbabura province we drive to Agato, where we will see master weaver Miguel Andrango. He makes traditional weavings on a back strap loom using handspun wool and natural dyes and products. After this interesting visit we will continue to the famous Indian Market, which is known for its handicrafts, tapestries and textiles. Here you have time to wander around and buy some souvenirs. Overnight at the historical Hacienda Pinsaqui or similar, which was built in 1790.
Meals included: Breakfast

Day 4: Otavalo - Hacienda La Cienega

In the morning we visit Peguche, where we will visit a workshop where the local family makes musical instruments. We will also go to the mystical Peguche waterfall; this waterfall is a sacred place for the indigenous people. Afterwards we will participate in a “Pachamanka”, which originated in the Inca era. In the Indian Quichua language “Pacha” means earth and “Manka” cooking pan. During this ritual, hot volcanic rocks with vegetables are put in mother earth. This is covered with cabbage leaves and a cloth which is then covered with earth. While the food is simmering it is decorated with flowers and turned into a lovely Andean alter. The food is pure because there aren’t any supplements like oils and fats added. When everything is prepared the food will taste delicious, because who would be a better cook then Mother Nature herself. After this unique experience we will drive south through the Avenue of Volcanoes to Hacienda La Cienega or similar, where we will stay overnight.
Meals included: Breakfast/Lunch

Day 5: Cotopaxi National Park - Isinlivi

After breakfast we drive to the entrance of the Cotopaxi National Park. Cotopaxi Volcano is the highest active volcano in the world (5897 m. – 19347 ft.) and second highest mountain in Ecuador. Once we enter the National Park we drive to Limpiopungo Lake where we can observe Andean birds like Andean gulls and speckled teals. We will hike and learn about the flora and fauna of this unique paramo area. Than we continue to the parking lot (located at 4500 m. - 14763 ft.), from here we hike to the refuge which is located at an altitude of 4800 m. – 15748 ft. After our hike we continue our drive towards the small village of Isinlivi, located on the Quilotoa Loop, where we will spend the night. Overnight at the Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge or similar.
Meals included: Breakfast/Dinner

Day 6: Surroundings of Isinlivi

We start the day with a visit to the Malingua Pamba community, where we will visit the local school to spend some time with the kids, they love to learn some words in English! Afterwards you will visit a local family in their home and learn about their customs, traditions and life high up in the Andes. Lunch with a local family is also included. In the afternoon we will visit the cheese factory of Señora Magaly Hernandez. Her family has been making fresh cheese for over 45 years, and she is now running her business together with her husband Marco, their four children and nine grandchildren. Magaly has a large property where she also raises her own cows, but she also collects milk every day from the tiny farms in the surrounding mountains of Isinlivi, since these farmers often don’t have the means to transport their milk to the big cities, the cheese factory in Isinlivi is of great economic importance to them. Overnight at the Llullu Llama Mountain Lodge or similar.
Meals included: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

Day 7: Quilotoa Crater Lake - Guamote

After breakfast we drive towards the beautiful turquoise Quilotoa Crater Lake. Upon arrival to the lake (altitude of 3800 m. - 12467 ft.), you can walk part of the crater rim or you can hike into the crater to the lake and hike back up again, which because of the altitude is a great but challenging walk. It is also possible to go kayaking on the lake. Afterwards we continue to Tigua, where we will visit the painting workshop of Alfredo Toaquiza; one of the Indian artists from the region who paints the colorful Tigua paintings on sheep skin. There are also interesting local markets in this area; on Thursdays it is possible to visit the market of Saquisili, on Saturdays we can visit the local market in Zumbahua and on Sundays the local market in Pujili. Here we will see the huge diversity of tropical fruits, vegetables, grains and medicinal plants. Afterwards we drive towards Guamote, a small village located in the beautiful Andean mountains. Overnight at the Inti Sisa Guesthouse or similar.
Meals included: Breakfast

Day 8: Surroundings of Guamote

On Thursdays you are able to visit the colorful indigenous market of Guamote, which is one of the biggest traditional markets in Ecuador. This is a non tourist market, where the local indigenous come to buy and sell vegetables, fruits, grains, etc. When you are in Guamote on other days you can visit the communities near Guamote and learn more about their culture. It is also possible to do a cooking class, where you will learn how to make empanadas! Overnight at the Inti Sisa Guesthouse or similar.
Meals included: Breakfast

Day 9: Guamote - Baños

In the morning we drive towards Baños, located at the foothills of the active Tungurahua Volcano and surrounded by beautiful green mountains. Upon arrival we will visit the Road of Waterfalls, with beautiful scenic views. We stop at Manto de la Novia waterfall, where we go across the Pastaza river canyon in a cable car. After this you can do the Superman or watch or do puenting, which is bungee jumping from a bridge (optional). Than we hike to the Pailon del Diablo waterfall, which is the most impressive waterfall in the area. We will also go to La Casa del Arbol, which is the famous “swing at the end of the world”. When it is clear you will be able to enjoy a view of the Tungurahua Volcano. Overnight at Hotel La Floresta or similar.
Meals included: Breakfast

Day 10: Baños - Tena

We drive from Baños into the Amazon region of Ecuador, where you will spend the next 3 nights in a rustic jungle lodge with a local Quichua family in their small village. Hike in a canyon in the heart of Llanganates National Park.
Meals included: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

Day 11: Quichua Family Stay

After breakfast we will do a hike in the jungle to Wuaysayacu, here you can find a group of lagoons and waterfalls where you can swim and explore the pristine forest. In the afternoon we will go panning for gold and at night we will enjoy stories around the bonfire.
Meals included: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

Day 12: Quichua Family Stay

Today we will experience more of their customs and we will be part of the preparation process of the traditional drink called chicha, which is a local drink that the locals drink with meals or use as a type of alcoholic drink when it is given time to ferment. In the morning we are going to collect the roots and other ingredients from the field and then we start the preparation of the drink. Cacao is an important export product of Ecuador; cacao is originally from the Amazon of Ecuador and Colombia. The locals make different products of chocolate as a source of income and we will learn a simple and authentic method of producing 100% pure chocolate! At night we will have a cultural night: we will be able to enjoy local music and we will learn about celebrations, social activities, marriage customs and shamanism.
Meals included: Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner

Day 13: Tena - Papallacta

This is our last morning with the family. We will be able to enjoy a blowgun demonstration and participate in a contest to show off our new skill. Than it is time to say goodbye to your Quichua family before we drive to Papallata. On the way we will stop at the Guango Reserve to observe several species of hummingbirds at the feeders. We then continue to the Papallacta Hot Springs where we will spend the night. Here you can bath and relax in the hot springs; outside your room you will find several pools fed by natural springs heated by the nearby Antisana volcano with temperatures between 36 and 40 degrees Celsius. The open air thermal pools have various benefits and these waters will relax your body. Overnight at Termas de Papallacta or similar.
Meals included: Breakfast

Day 14: Papallacta - Transfer to the airport

Depending on the time of your flight we can do a small hike, where you can appreciate the local flora and fauna. In this area you can find different species of birds, including hummingbirds and tanagers. You can also enjoy the hot springs until it is time to drive to the airport for your flight back home.
Meals included: Breakfast

• 3 persons: USD 2286 p.p.
• 2 persons: USD 2839 p.p.
• 1 person: USD 4942 p.p.

• Children until 11 years receive a 10% discount

• This tour includes accommodation at Tourist and Tourist Superior Class hotels. Contact us if you want to add some days / activities or if you want to do just a part of this tour.

• Accommodation at hotels/lodges mentioned or similar
• Private transfers to/from the airports
• Private transportation
• English speaking guide
• Meals as mentioned in the itinerary
• Activities as mentioned in the itinerary
• All entrance fees to the mentioned sites, museums and national parks

• Optional mules rent at the Quilotoa Crater Lake (USD 10 p.p.)
• Meals not mentioned
• Beverages
• Tips
• Personal expenses
• Additional activities, spa treatments, etc.

• This tour can be adapted to your wishes and preferences.
• This itinerary includes accommodation at Tourist and Tourist Superior Class hotels. Contact us if you want to add some days / activities or if you want to do just a part of this tour.
• The operator reserves the right to change the itinerary without previous notice due to weather, National Park regulations or notifications and unforeseeable circumstances.

Why book with Enjoying Ecuador Travel?

• 15 years experience in organizing tours in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands
• 24/7 assistance for emergencies by phone, email and WhatsApp
• Fast answers to your questions
• Personal contact from the first email to the end of your trip
• Highly competitive prices
• Excellent knowledge about Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands
• English, Dutch and Spanish spoken
• High quality tours
• Our reviews speak for themselves!
• No credit card surcharge on all our tours!!
